Massage on the beach

ADULT (18 years old and up): $115.00 per ticket
JUNIOR (8 to 17 years old): $115.00 per ticket
CHILD (0 to 7 years old): $115.00 per ticket

A moment to relax and take care of those tired muscles that got you through your last adventure activity. The certified massage therapy service offered by Annie Houde will be a great complement to your stay!

Accompanied by the sounds of nature and a view of the Fjord, this massage is a fantastic way to treat yourself to a peaceful moment, that we all deserve once in a while.

Features :

  • Massage area is sheltered and equiped with mosquito netting.
  • Refundable by most insurance companies, ask for your receipt.

 Do not forget:

  • Arrive at the park reception 30 minutes ahead of time if you are not already on the site. Be on the beach 10 minutes ahead of time if you are already on the site.

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