Fishing - Unlimited area

Forfait 3 jours- Non contingenté: $230.39 per ticket

Salmon and sea trout fishing

Atlantic salmon: from June 1st to September 15th
Season to fish both salmon and sea trout: August 15th to September 15th
Sea trout only : from September 16th to October 15th. 

In order to comply with the regulations during your fishing day, it is important to have in your possession your salmon fishing license, a copy of your invoice and the fishing statistics sheet which you must submit to the welcome at the end of the day whether or not you have a catch.
*** Failure to provide this sheet is an offense.

Salmon fishing license

It is possible to obtain your fishing license at the river reception chalet. Whether you are fishing for salmon or sea trout, a salmon fishing license is required on the river.

Capture recording

Each fish caught must be recorded at the reception chalet. You must present yourself with your entire catch, label in place.
Restricted sector: please call reception to register for the draw.

Limited area: please call reception to register for the draw.

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