Sea cruise

Adult: from $60.00 per ticket
Between 6 and 17 years: from $45.00 per ticket
kids 2 to 5 years: from $30.00 per ticket

Approximate of the fishing cruise: 2 hours 30 minutes

Schedule: from mid June to mid-October

Departure times: 6 h 30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 5 h 30 p.m.

Meeting place:       1438 blvd Cap-des-rosiers

At the dock (marina) of the Northern entrance of the Forillon National Park

On demand: Other departures will be possible during the day depending on the weather.

Contact us for the possibilities.


Provided: life jackets ; fishing equipment (rod, tackle, etc.) if requested

To bring with you: hat, sunscreen, water bottle, camera, waterproof and/or warm clothing

Kindly arrive 10 minutes before the beginning of the activity.

Regarding fishing, there is a maximum of 10 mackerels per person. 

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