Matapedia river 20 km

Adult: $60.00 per ticket
Student (13 to 17 years old): $51.00 per ticket
Child (6 to 13 years old): $45.00 per ticket
Enfant de 6 à 12 ans sans pagaie : $15.00 per ticket

This 20 km river trip allows you to paddle on the river, enjoying nature’s beauty, and to relax in an enchanting environment of the Matapedia River. Parcours dynamique avec des petits rapides R1 sur la rivière Matapédia, ce qui fait monter juste un peu l’adrénaline dans un contexte sécuritaire. 

A dynamic course with small R1 rapids on the Matapedia River, which gets the adrenaline pumping just a bit in a safe environment. This is a great course starting at the junction of the Matapedia and Assemetquagan rivers. This beautiful river is the one so coveted by travelers on the 132. The view is so much different and so much more beautiful sitting in a canoe rather than in front of a steering wheel in a car.

Level of difficulty: Beginner/Intermediary  

The rental equipment include: 

  • A canoe or kayak or paddle board
  • Life jacket 
  • Paddles
  • Dry bag or barrel depending of your boat 
  • Transportation to the river’s access point
  • Briefing speech with all the rules and safety tips

The Matapédia river is located in the "Matapedia and Patapedia rivers Wildlife Reserve" leaded by the CGRMP. Since 2021, the CGRMP ask us to collect the acces fee of 9$.  Those acces fees are now included in the price.  

PLEASE NOTE : This price might change until we open or during the season.  

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