Découverte de l'escalade de glace

Duration: 4 hours


Que ce soit en famille, entre amis ou avec nos collègues de travail, cette activité vous permettra de découvrir l'univers de l'escalade de glace.

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Ice Climbing initiation

Duration: 6 hours


First step in the world of ice climbing. Learn, with the help of certified instructor, the basics of rope climbing.

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Ice climbing technique

Duration: 1 day


You've been climbing for some time but you find yourself plateauing. 
This course is made to build your base and level up your climbing skills.s en technique et de les poussez au niveau supérieur.

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ice climbing autonomy

Duration: 2 days


You enjoyed your first experience in ice climbing and would like to learn the basic skills for top rope climbing. Learn to master all the skills for the safe practice of the sport.

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