Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Adult: $85.00 per ticket
Junior (- 16 years old): $68.00 per ticket
Family Package= 2 Adults (16+) et 2 Juniors (<16): $238.00 par groupe

You will hike 850 meters through a beautiful maple grove dotted with rocky cliffs and ridges and take in some breathtaking views. From there you take your first flight on a 610 meters long mega zip line to the other side of the mountain.

Stroll the 20 meters across the platform to where you will fly on the second zip line over a distance of 450 meters which brings you back to the foot of The Cap Beauséjour.

Then you will hike up 450 meters through the cliff faces to the longest mega zip line for a flight of 900 meters long and at a height of 115 meters, an experience you will not soon forget. After your ride of over a minute, you will jump onto on the last mega zip line for a final flight of 650 meters.

*You must check in at Tyroparc 30 minutes before the start of your activity

**The activity duration may vary according to weather conditions, the number of participants and their skills.


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