
Participant première séance: $100.00 per ticket
Participant 2ème séance et les suivantes: $50.00 per ticket

Canicross is a canine sport where the human, wearing a harness, is pulled by a dog. We help you choose a dog according to the type of experience you are looking for and your level of physical ability. This sport is well suited for any dog lovers, since you can either walk or run.

Before meeting your 4-legged team mate, we brief you about safety and how to communicate with dogs. You will have the chance to better understand what is life in a pack of huskies. You will meet all the members of the pack and learn about their different roles. With the help of your guide, you will choose your buddy for the activity.

You will be guided by a certified guide until we are confident your practice of the sport is safe and you can control your canine companion. 

100 $ 2h initiation

50 $ per hour as of your second time with us

Minimum age: 11 yo

Minimum weight: 80 lbs / 36 kg

*Reservation required, taxes not included

Canicross fan? We offer a multiple access card, contact us for more information

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